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Setup Nextfast Landing Page ⚡️

Let's get your startup setup in 10 minutes

We're building a really apealing landing page ⭐️

  1. First of all you have clone the repo and run the server locally. See the Get Started tutorial.

  2. Navigate to your directory: /app/page.tsx, remove everything and paste this:


import { Fragment, Suspense } from "react";
import TopBannerNotification from "@/components/top-bar-notification/top-bar-notification";
import HeaderDefault from "@/components/header/header-default";
import BannerDefault from "@/components/banner/banner-default";
import Faq from "@/components/faqs/faq";
import FooterCenter from "@/components/footer/footer-center";
import CTA from "@/components/ctas/cta";
import FeatureSWithImage from "@/components/features/features-with-image";
import Demo from "@/components/demo/demo";
import { MultiplePricing } from "@/components/pricing/multiple-pricing";

export default async function Home() {

return (
<TopBannerNotification />
<HeaderDefault />

<BannerDefault />
<Demo />
<FeatureSWithImage />
<MultiplePricing />
<Faq />
<CTA />
<FooterCenter />